Dholki fishtail hair style

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

This past weekend in conjunction with my makeup look I experimented with my hair. Usually I leave it in its natural state but I wanted to do something a little different. I went to Macy's on Herald Square on my lunch break and was lucky enough to have Bernadette from the Blo Bar braid my hair. Braids are great for dholki's because it will keep your hair in place with all the running around, singing, and dancing.  

This is the view from the side

I started out with straight hair (excuse the flash)

she wanted to add texture so added curls to keep the hold

this is the view from the back

the front view (back at work as you can see)

and me later that night. If you have any questions feel free to comment below. Much love. XOXO

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